How to Get a Toned Body Without Going to the Gym

 1.Find out how much exercise you done.

 To be physically fit, most adults need approximately 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity a week, or 75 minutes of vigorous activity. Along with cardio, adults should also engage in strength training or resistance exercises two to three times a week.[1] [2] [3]

Ask your primary care physician for advice before you begin your workout plan, as he or she might provide specific recommendations based on your age, weight, and level of physical fitness.

Make sure you know why you want to get toned and to start an exercise habit. Knowing your reasons for establishing a new habit will help you stick to it through the difficult days.[4] [5]

2.Set up a workout schedule.

 Making the time to workout every day and maintaining that same schedule will help you to push through on the hard days. Set an alarm on your phone or establish a “trigger,” such as after you feed your pets so that your response is automatic even if you are feeling tired or busy.

Exercise in the morning, before you start your day, so that you feel both energized and productive for the rest of the day.

If you're too stiff in the morning, or if you run out of time, it's okay to exercise later in the day, such as on your way home from work or during your child's nap.[6] [7]

  1. 3.Make exercising a priority. Since exercise is a crucial part of your overall health, then you'll need to fit into your schedule. You may need to take out or reduce other activities, such as television time, extra work hours, or time with friends.
  2. Set an alarm on your cell phone or watch to add a sense of urgency and immediacy, and stop your current task right away to go exercise.
  3. 4.Take your physical measurements. Using a tape measure, measure your waist circumference, just above your hips, your upper arms, your calves, and your thighs. Add these measurements to your exercise journal so that you can track your progress and feel encouraged as these numbers improve.
    • Also record your body mass index, which can be assessed either with body fat calipers or estimated using an online calculator or app.[8] [9] [10]
    • You should record your weight, even though you might not be trying to lose weight. It's important to monitor all aspects of your physical health.
  4. 5.Set realistic exercise and fitness goals. To succeed in any habit, it's wise to set goals that are specific and measurable. Since “toned” is a vague term, decide what it means to you: is it a particular “look”? Is it the way your clothing fits? Establish a timeline for yourself for each of your goals that are reasonable, considering your current fitness level and the time you have available to work out.
    • Include smaller goals along the way to your more ambitious ones, and reward yourself as you accomplish these aims.
    • Plan to reward yourself once you've reached your primary goals. You might consider a special shopping trip for new clothes that fit - and show off - your new toned figure [11] [12] [13]



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